Top 8 Observability Tools

By Staff Contributor on January 16, 2024

Observability and monitoring are related, but they’re not the same. Both deal with understanding and managing system behavior but have different focuses, approaches, and implications.

Monitoring is the process of keeping track of specific metrics and predefined data points in a system to assess its health and performance. Its primary purpose is to ensure that the system operates within expected parameters and detect deviations from normal behavior. Monitoring’s key characteristics include threshold-based alerts, a focus on known metrics, and a reactive approach.

Observability is broader and more comprehensive. It’s about gaining insight into the inner workings of a complex system, typically a software application or infrastructure, by collecting and analyzing data from many sources within that system. It entails capturing and comprehending the system’s internal state, behavior, and interactions to be effectively monitored and optimized.

Observability is especially important in modern software environments with microservices, cloud computing, and distributed architectures. Traditional monitoring tools may not provide the full context required to understand how various components interact and influence one another in such complex systems. Observability tools bridge this gap by providing a comprehensive view of system behavior, allowing teams to gain deeper insights and make more informed decisions.

How does observability software work?

Observability software collects, analyzes, and displays data from multiple sources within a system to provide insights into its behavior, performance, and health. This data-driven approach helps users thoroughly understand how the system works, identify anomalies, troubleshoot issues, and optimize performance. Here’s a quick rundown of how observability software works:

1. Data collection: Observability software gathers information from various sources within the system, including the following:

  • Metrics: data about performance such as CPU usage, memory consumption, response times, and so on
  • Logs: textual records of system events, errors, and activities
  • Traces: data about the flow of requests and transactions as they pass through various components
  • Events: notifications about system events, changes, or significant occurrences

2. Data storage: The collected data is structured and stored in a database or specialized storage system designed to handle large volumes of time-series data.

3. Data aggregation and processing: To provide meaningful insights, observability software processes and aggregates the collected data. Aggregation may entail summarizing metrics across time intervals, correlating logs with metrics, and connecting traces to form complete transaction paths.

4. Dashboards and visualizations: The processed data is displayed using visualizations and dashboards. These interfaces display a graphical representation of system performance, behavior, and anomalies to users. Dashboards enable users to keep track of key metrics, track trends, and get real-time updates.

5. Notifications and alerting: Observability software frequently includes alerting mechanisms. Users can configure alerts to be triggered by predefined conditions or thresholds. When a metric, trace, or event meets the specified criteria, the system sends out notifications, allowing teams to respond to anomalies as soon as possible.

6. Exploration and analysis: The ability to thoroughly explore and analyze data is one of the key strengths of observability software. Drilling down into specific time periods, tracing the flow of requests, searching for patterns in logs, and investigating the context of specific events are all options.

7. Root cause analysis and troubleshooting: Observability tools help users identify the root causes of problems by providing a comprehensive view of how various components interact and influence one another. This aids in more effective troubleshooting and problem resolution.

8. Optimization: Observability software boosts system optimization by identifying bottlenecks, performance gaps, and opportunities for improvement. Users can make data-driven decisions to optimize resource allocation and application performance.

9. Long-term data analysis: This aids in the understanding of trends, the detection of recurring issues, and the planning of scalability.

Benefits of implementing an observability tool

Implementing observability tools provides many advantages that improve the efficiency, reliability, and performance of systems and applications. Here are some key benefits:

  • Better user experience: A well-observed system results in a better user experience. Observability tools contribute to smoother interactions for end users by quickly identifying and resolving issues, reducing frustration, and maintaining customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced collaboration: Observability tools make it easier for development teams, operations teams, and others to collaborate. Shared insights and contextual data improve communication and result in more effective collaborative problem-solving.
  • Security insights: By monitoring for unusual patterns or unauthorized activities within the system, observability tools can help detect breaches and other security incidents.
  • Early detection and resolution of issues: These tools enable proactive monitoring and early detection of anomalies or issues in the system. This allows teams to address issues before they escalate and affect end users, reducing downtime and service disruptions.
  • Faster troubleshooting: Observability tools provide comprehensive insights into the system’s behavior and interactions, allowing for faster troubleshooting when issues do arise. This speeds up the troubleshooting process by allowing teams to quickly identify root causes and implement corrective actions.
  • Enhanced system reliability: These tools contribute to higher system reliability by providing visibility into how different components are performing. Teams can identify and address potential bottlenecks and weak points, resulting in increased system stability.
  • Data-driven decision making: Observability tools provide data-driven insights that guide decision-making. These insights improve the quality of technical teams’ decisions, whether they’re scaling resources, planning for upgrades, or optimizing application architecture.
  • Efficient resource management: Observability tools enable teams to monitor resource consumption (CPU, memory, and network) in real time. This information allows for efficient resource allocation, avoiding over-provisioning, and maximizing the use of available resources.
  • Reduced mean time to resolution (MTTR): When teams have access to comprehensive data, they can significantly reduce the time it takes to diagnose and resolve issues. This results in a shorter mean time to resolution and increased system availability.
  • Continuous improvement: Observability tools help develop a culture of constant improvement. Teams can iteratively refine and improve their applications and infrastructure by continuously analyzing system behavior and performance.

There are lots of observability tools that can improve the overall efficiency and reliability of systems or applications. 

SolarWinds Hybrid Cloud Observability

SolarWinds® Hybrid Cloud Observability is a self-hosted solution that enables organizations to quickly detect and resolve anomalies across their IT landscape. This solution, with a comprehensive focus on end-to-end infrastructure, network, and database performance, enables you to quickly identify and correct irregularities. It provides a centralized view of your IT environment through a holistic full-stack approach, enabling efficient resource and time management.


  • Observability of infrastructure, network, and application performance
  • Dashboards for historical and real-time data
  • Network, virtualization, server, and application configuration management
  • Cross-team collaboration
  • Reduced alert fatigue
  • End-to-end performance observability

SolarWinds Observability

SolarWinds® Observability is a SaaS observability and monitoring platform that provides insights into application and infrastructure performance, availability, and health. It enables organizations to collect, analyze, and visualize data from a variety of sources, allowing for proactive monitoring, rapid troubleshooting, and complex environment optimization.


  • Network monitoring
  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Application performance monitoring (APM)
  • Log management
  • Distributed tracing
  • Real user monitoring (RUM)
  • Synthetic monitoring
  • Alerts and notifications
  • Dashboards and visualizations
  • Automation and remediation


Splunk is a popular observability and analytics platform that allows businesses to collect, index, search, and visualize massive amounts of machine-generated data. It includes powerful tools for monitoring, analyzing, and gaining insights from a variety of sources such as logs, metrics, events, and traces. Splunk helps businesses make data-driven decisions, troubleshoot problems, and optimize performance across complex systems.


  • Data gathering and indexing
  • Continuous monitoring
  • Alerts and notifications for machine learning and anomaly detection
  • Visualizations and dashboards
  • Transformation and enrichment of data
  • Scalability and deployment in a distributed environment
  • Third-party tool and service integration


Datadog is a cloud-based observability platform that offers full monitoring and analytics solutions for cloud-scale applications and infrastructure. It enables teams to gain real-time insights into the performance of their systems, troubleshoot problems, and optimize resource utilization.


  • Application performance monitoring (APM)
  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Network monitoring
  • Log management
  • Real user monitoring (RUM)
  • Synthetic monitoring
  • Distributed tracing
  • Anomaly detection
  • Alerts and incident management
  • Dashboard and visualization

New Relic

New Relic is a comprehensive observability platform that helps organizations monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize application and infrastructure performance. It provides a variety of tools for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing data from various sources, providing insights into how applications perform in real time.


  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Serverless monitoring
  • Kubernetes monitoring
  • Network monitoring
  • Cloud integration
  • Mobile application monitoring
  • Application performance monitoring (APM)
  • Real user monitoring (RUM)
  • Distributed tracing
  • Error tracking and diagnostics
  • Synthetic monitoring
  • Alerting and incident management
  • Insights and analytics


LogicMonitor is a robust observability platform for monitoring and managing IT infrastructure, applications, and services. It provides organizations with real-time insights into system performance, availability, and health, allowing them to ensure optimal operations and quickly address issues.


  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Application performance monitoring (APM)
  • Network monitoring
  • Cloud monitoring
  • Container monitoring
  • Event correlation
  • Root cause analysis
  • Alerting and notification
  • Dashboards and visualizations
  • Automation and remediation


ScienceLogic is a platform for IT operations and observability that provides complete visibility and insights into complex hybrid IT environments. It offers comprehensive monitoring, analytics, and automation solutions to ensure IT system and application performance, availability, and security.


  • Hybrid IT monitoring
  • Network monitoring
  • Cloud monitoring
  • Application performance monitoring (APM)
  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Log management
  • Event correlation
  • Root cause analysis
  • IT automation
  • Dashboards and visualizations


Dynatrace is an AI-powered observability platform that offers full-stack monitoring and insights into complex cloud environments and applications. It provides real-time visibility and intelligence to optimize performance, identify bottlenecks, and provide outstanding user experiences.


  • Full-stack monitoring
  • Application performance monitoring (APM)
  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Root cause analysis
  • AI-powered insights and problem detection
  • Automated anomaly detection
  • Digital experience monitoring (DEM)
  • Real user monitoring (RUM)
  • Cloud-native monitoring
  • Continuous delivery and DevOps integration


Observability has emerged as a critical pillar for organizations striving to maintain high-performing, reliable, and agile systems in today’s dynamic technological landscape.

Observability tools have transformed how businesses monitor, analyze, and gain insights into their complex IT environments, transcending traditional monitoring limitations. It also helps teams work together to keep things running smoothly. These tools enable users to delve deeply into system intricacies, trace the flow of requests, and pinpoint the root causes of issues, all while encouraging proactive responses.

This post was written by Vincent Chosen. Vincent is a web developer and technical writer. He has proficient knowledge in JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJS, React Native, Nodejs and Database. Aside from coding, Vincent loves playing chess and discussing tech related topics with other developers.

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